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Complaints Policy


At North500 Motorhomes we are dedicated to delivering a first class level of service to all our customers. We welcome any comments on the services we provide – in the form of both compliments and complaints. We accept that things can occasionally go wrong and would encourage you to tell us about any concerns you have so that we can take steps to make sure the service you receive meets your expectations in the future.

Complaints Procedure

Complaints can be made by letter, email or telephone at:

North 500 Motorhomes, Glenurquart Road, Inverness  IV2 8LY
01463 220582

  • We will acknowledge receipt of any complaint by the customers preferred method within three working days
  • We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible. If it is not possible to reach a prompt conclusion, we will contact the customer with an explanation, and set out expected timescales by which matters should be resolved
  • We aim to resolve all our customer complaints internally. If, however, the customer is not satisfied with the final outcome of our complaints procedure, they are able to contact The Financial Ombudsman, details can be found at:
    Non-financial complaints can be directed to Trading Standards
  • The customer may also contact the BVRLA Conciliation Service as an approved alternative Dispute Resolution service. Details can be found at or by contacting

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